HORSE SHOW How Andalusian horses dance

Tribute to the horseman Álvaro Domecq

Homenaje al jinete Álvaro Domecq

August 2021

The Plaza Real in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz, will open its Puerta Grande on Saturday 21 August at 21.30 to be the setting for an equestrian show, a tribute to the rider Don Álvaro Domecq who has just turned 81 (Jeréz, 1940), organised by the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation (@RealEscuela), and sponsored by other entities. The majesty of the Andalusian horse will take centre stage as it merges with the tradition of the bullring in Jerez. A show that highlights our cultural richness and heritage, with incredible choreographies selected by the honoree himself. Don’t miss it.

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