A Real Fashion Show

The magic of the Fair

One of the reasons why the fair is so popular is undoubtedly because it becomes a real fashion catwalk. From the first day, when the Fiesta del Rosario is celebrated, and following the tradition, the gypsy costume is worn for the first time, to the last day, which coincides with another great festival, the Pilar; each and every one of us who attends the fair takes great care in our homes beforehand to leave them in the best possible condition. So it happens that year after year the Fuengirola Fair becomes a real showcase of good taste, elegance and elegance.

It happens that as we walk around and
contemplating so much good taste
it seems as if the jar of the essences of
the jar of the essences of joy.
A joy that spreads from one
to others, in a relaxed atmosphere
where worries melt away, giving way to euphoria.
to euphoria and overflowing happiness.
overflowing happiness.

The atmosphere is one of joy and beauty. It doesn’t matter if they wear street dresses, gypsy dresses or short dresses. Both of them always surprise the other and raise signs of admiration as they pass by wearing a beautiful dress or an impeccable suit.
What’s more, as you walk along and contemplate so much good taste together, it seems as if the jar of the essences of joy is being uncovered. A joy that spreads from one to the next, in a relaxed atmosphere in which the wo-

rries melt away, giving way to euphoria and overflowing happiness. Such is the magic of the fair. A week in which perhaps after a whole year without seeing each other we suddenly find ourselves again sharing the magic of joy.
Of course, the omnipresent crisis will also make its appearance but, in no case, will it extinguish the fervent desire to have a good time on more than one day of the fair. Nor will it take away our whim to buy that tie we saw or that strapless dress that suits you so well. There is always something new at the fair. The days leading up to the fair are a hustle and bustle to finalise the details of the hat that doesn’t arrive, the boots that are too small for the child, the suit that needs ironing, the ruffles or the dress that there is no time to “put in”.
And after all the hustle and bustle, we arrive at the fair with smiling faces and radiating the joy of feeling happy to be here, once again. Neither the heat of the sun, nor the discomfort of the rain, nothing can spoil a good day at the fair. And it is celebrated in style. In the best way we celebrate any important event in our lives. Sharing our time with our loved ones, having enthusiastic conversations and enjoying a good meal washed down with a beer or a nice cold fino, then giving free rein to a dance of sevillanas, rumba or whatever.
And when the dancing starts, anything can happen. Glances that cross, ruffles that tangle, hands that brush against each other… Flamenco dancing encloses a world of sensations. Desire springs up unexpectedly. And something that at first may seem casual ends up becoming the most beautiful and profound love story. This is the magic of the fair.

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