European Minors’ Championship

Spain close to the medal

July 2021

The European Minors’ jumping championship 2021 that was celebrated in Vilamoura, Portugal, has finished leaving Spain very close to the podium with the horseman Carlos Lange, the horsewoman Nerea Garaygordobil, and horsemen Ignacio Astolfi and Diego Ramos at the doors of the podium, with a very important fourth position that they have intensely fought, adding a total of 31.67 points. They have competed against 16 countries, among those ones, Belgium won the gold medal with a total of 21.35 points, followed by Ireland with 23.56 points which brought home the silver medal and bronze for Great Britain with a total of 28.72 points. Horsewoman Nerea Garaygordobil shone on Friday with at the 1.50 m. event with Datina, achieving the second post in the classification, which has situated her in 10th position in the general classification.

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