Our most genuine estampa – Fuengirola on horseback

One more year, the horse took over the town of Fuengirola. A whole day for horsemen and horsewomen to go for a walk and enjoy their hobby on the main streets of our town and to show the entire world our most genuine estampa. Likewise, the horse carriages with English-style and Calesera harness, who were previously exhibited at the Bull Ring, also go down the Promenade and the most important avenues in order for the show to be enjoyed by citizens and tourists, who always wonder at it. The women dressed in the traditional Spanish mantilla, the colorful tassels of the carriages, the broad-brimmed hats,

the chaps (well-greased for the occasion) and the horses neatly harnessed in order to win the first prize. Last year, Catalina Jaime won the first prize in the category of Horsewoman. Miriam Clavijo was second and Marian Lacalle was third. In the Horseman category, which is always very tight, Juan José Jiménez won the first prize, Miguel Ángel Alconchel won the second, and José Miguel Barquín won the third. The two Couples to the Rump who won were the one made up by Rocío González and Leo Camacho, who took the first prize home, and the one made up by María Candón and José Antonio Pérez, who took the second.

The judge, María Ductor, examining the three riders selected in the Harness and Clothing Contest: Juan José Jiménez, Miguel Ángel Alconchel and José Miguel Barquín

The councilors, Isabel Moreno and María Hernández,
awarded medals to each of the junior riders who entered the
equestrian contest.

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