
Mercedes Cortés Bueno

October 2012

Since the beginning of time, man has always felt the need to leave his mark. And it is this quality, moreover, that makes man different and superior to the rest of the beings that inhabit the earth. Communication. The great gift we possess and at the same time the most difficult challenge to overcome. What is peace if not peace? Good understanding between two peoples. And looking at ourselves, our happiness depends to a large extent on it. Getting others to understand us, without anger in between. For this reason, when we want to reach someone’s heart, we put our five senses to the task and we pause to choose the most appropriate word with great care so as not to miss the mark. On the other hand, when we get heated and say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking, conflict always breaks out. Well, the written word is even more important. Only the written word has another dimension. We all know the saying: “Words take them away…”. While by writing them down, we give greater weight to what we want to say and also make them last in time. Thus, from prehistoric times to the present day, man has left his history written down, perhaps with the desire to leave part of our legacy on earth. As if by leaving our printed work, we were leaving part of our inner being. Man irremediably dies, but the word always remains. And sometimes it happens like that. With an impulse in the middle of the night that forces you to get up while the others are asleep and wakes you up to dictate in your ear the story that gives meaning to your life. A friendly but restless little voice that keeps whispering to you until you finally write it down on the blank paper, baring your soul, and unburdening yourself in silence.

mane in the air. It is a strange sensation that intoxicates you when you get on it for the first time. The fear of vertigo that takes over you disappears little by little to give way to the full satisfaction of a good horse ride. There are thousands of sensations that this faithful companion awakens. Who has not stolen hours of sleep on the eve of the fair with the immaculate short dress ready to go out. Who hasn’t felt “a thousand butterflies fluttering” in their stomach when arriving at the threshold of the fair. Who hasn’t stopped the flycatcher in its tracks to greet a friend with overflowing joy. Who has not toasted from above, looking into the eyes, for a good fair. Who hasn’t seen the dawn break on the banks of the river in Fuengirola, to the rhythm of improvised music and hand clapping, after a long day at the fair on horseback? Who hasn’t vibrated with emotion as their hand brushes against the other and the stirrups collide. Who has not been surprised by a fleeting kiss that escapes back to the stable. Who has not admired the grandeur of nature while observing the Sevillian countryside and one of the most beautiful views of the Andalusian farmhouses on the way to El Rocío. Who has not crossed the boat, feeling happy, with the reins in hand and breathing the marshes, and then entered the thick sand of the reserve, once again making a promise. Who hasn’t been proud to see their offspring walk through the fairgrounds with their hat on. Who has not felt the joy of being born, simply, when riding a horse.

So, I hope that the magazine will meet your expectations, please excuse any mistakes and allow me to make a toast.

Cheers and happy fair!

The other raison d’être of the Peña Caballista Sol de Fuengirola Magazine and Pasión por el Caballo is, without doubt, the horse. It is a beautiful and noble animal with which man has always felt magnified. Kings, emperors, generals and others from all the ends of the earth have always wished to be portrayed on the back of a beautiful specimen with its hands raised and its

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