World Championship for young horses

Dani Martín selects the six coupling that will represent Spain

July 2021

Mijas Olimpian horseman José Daniel Martín Dockx has been in charge of selecting the six PRE couplings that will participate as main holders and reserves in the next World Championship for young horses that will be celebrated from August 23rd to August 27th at Verden, Germany. For the coach “there is no favourite one” because we deal with six horses and horsemen “of high quality and all of them present a good shape and can spring a surprise”, he assured that they will represent Spain in a “superb” way. In the five years category we find Brío de Tucaballoandaluz (ex Brío de Centurión), property of José María Anguas, breeded by Yeguada Centurión and ridden by Jesús Pascual and Xo Giraldés Mor, property of Las Morerías and ridden by Carlos Bayo. In this category, as reserve we find Zeo de Pena, property of Yeguada Pena and ridden by Diego González and Brillante de Centurión, property of Yeguada Centurión and ridden by Juan Manuel Galeano. In six years, we find Fuego TG, property of Yeguada Teresa Goode and ridden by Pedro Hernández and Trápalo de Indalo, property of Yeguada Indalo and ridden by Fuengirola’s horseman Alejandro Sánchez del Barco.

As reserves in the five years category we find Tintineo Nadales, property of Yeguada Nadales and ridden by Alejandro Sánchez del Barco, and we can also find Santanderino Nadales, property of José Luis Montosa breeded by Yeguada Nadales and ridden by Alejandro Cadenas.

In the seven years category we can find as selected horses Norteño FS, property of Yeguada Arroyomonte and ridden by Alberto García Briñón and Banduendo, property of Yeguada Río Grande, breeded by Andrés Cabrera and ridden by Gustavo Artillo.

As reserves we find Teatrero Centurión, property of Yeguada Centurión and ridden by Joseph Robert and Quadrigo Nadales V, property of Yeguada Nadales and ridden by Alejandro Sánchez del Barco.

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